6 simple splints you can make with Orficast


For years, Lomed has had a strong collaboration with the Orfit brand. The Orfit brand is based on hand therapy products. It is possible to use existing Orfit products, but you can adjust them yourself to your wishes. With Orficast, among other things, you can make multiple splints independently.

What simple splints can you make with Orficast?

With the material of Orficast it is possible to create several splints independently. This goes from simple to complicated splints. Simple splints are for treatment of minor injuries. But which splints are these? Our specialists have elaborated on this and recommend 6 different splints that can be made with Orficast.

1: Anti-swan neck orthosis

The anti-swan neck orthosis is a simple splint that positions the PIP joint in light flexion. The orthosis consists of a thermoplastic material that is placed around the finger in an oval shape.

For which indications can the orthosis be used?

  • PIP joint
  • MCP joint
  • DIP joint
  • Looseness of the joints

2: Mallet finger splint

The mallet finger splint is an orthosis intended to keep the DIP joint in passive extension. It promotes the healing of the tendons without forms of adhesions. This results in a strong tendon.

What material is suitable for mallet finger splint?

  • Orfit Classic 1.6 mm
  • Orficast 3 cm
  • Orficast 6 cm
  • Orficast more 6 cm

3: Yoke splint

The yoke splint is a statistical splint designed to keep the affected joint in extension or flexion. The purpose of the splint is to give full flexion to the MCP joint to facilitate movements in the PIP and DIP joint.

For which indications can the orthosis be used?

  • PIP joint
  • DIP joint
  • MCP joint
  • Limited tendon deflation

4: CMC 1 wrap splint

The CMC 1 wrap splint is an orthosis designed to provide the thumb joint with the necessary support. The wrap splint is specially designed to completely solve problems in the thumb joint during recovery.

For which indications can the orthosis be used?

  • Arthrosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • UCL injury
  • RCL injury
  • Thumb fractures

5: Quervain splint

The quervain splint is specially tailored to quervain disease. The thumb splint has been specially developed to provide the thumb joint with the necessary stabilization and support. Due to the immobilization, the quervain splint offers help in the recovery process.

For which indications can the orthosis be used?

  • Quervain Hotels
  • Intersection syndrome
  • Thumb and wrist pain

6: Wrist splint

The wrist splint has been specially developed to provide wrist disorders with the right support. The support of the wrist splint stimulates the recovery process and protects the wrist from further disorders.

For which indications can the orthosis be used?

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Overloaded wrist
  • Bruised wrist
  • Wrist pain

Orfit Orficast Thermoplastische Tape

De Orficast tape is een uniek thermo-vormbaar tape materiaal. Het biedt extreem comfort voor uw patiënten en is erg makkelijk te gebruiken.


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